All of our research is very hands-on. We actually have a shared set of robotics labs, which is really great for collaboration. I feel like this space was built with collaboration in mind and letting us get to know our colleagues, let us get to know our students, even maybe the students we're not working with directly.
So the ability to easily connect and collaborate with people makes it one of the really nice reasons to do research here.
Here at Tufts, we in the School of Engineering, we have over 40 different workshops and professional development types of enrichment courses.
I have a really nice lab space here in the new Cummings Center. We have this beautiful double storey atrium that's always full of students. They're students really in like every corner of the building, and you walk around and you hear people talking about different things. I often know when a big assignment is coming up in one of the major classes, because I'll just see students clustering up and talking around the whiteboards.
There's a couple of core facilities that include, you know, mass spectrometry, and microscopy facilities that are available for any of the faculty members,
For all the students in my research lab, but actually also in my classes, we try and get them working with actual physical robots. Working with the real thing is not the same as a simulation or doing a a problem set where we really know exactly what's going to happen. And students can really focus in on the thing that they care about, and can learn to excel in that and then can take that out into the world to get the job that they want or go into a PhD program or to go to the postdocs and the faculty job positions that are really about them living their best life and achieving their goals, using the things that they learned at Tufts.
Do things that graduate students need to be able to do before they graduate. You know, one is that they must have a mastery of the fundamentals of their discipline and then the other is that they must be able to perform research independently and in a creative manner.