Professional Development

At Tufts, we provide a variety of professional development opportunities to give you skills for both academic and non-academic pursuits. Our career and professional development programs are designed to enhance the discipline-specific training offered through our academic departments.

The Career Center here at Tufts is in my opinion, fantastic. I do find the services they provide. I find that very helpful. And the people, the people themselves are incredibly nice.

At the Career Center, we offer a variety of services to support our graduate students. We help students with career decision making, exploration, and all the things that go along with developing goals and strategies to accomplish them. We also offer workshops, industry nights, career fairs. And I should say that students have lifelong access to these resources, and services through our Alumni Career Advising Team.

We make it a point of expanding our services into what we call our ecosystem, we don't expect students to walk through the door. To utilize our services, it's important for us to be in places where students are making sure that students understand what resources they have access to. It's a very important equity issue for us. And it's something that's a very important value for me, as the Executive Director, so we really want students to know about us from early on.

I would say that our alumni network is the strongest asset because our alumni serve as mentors, but also internship advisors and these things to current students that help build professional skills.

The alumni who are working in industry, I know they are willing to give their expertise to be on any problems you have and they're willing to give you their help or even recommend you to people who can help you better.